Sea World Orlando
Orlando, Florida, USA
About the zoo
SeaWorld Orlando is one of the three SeaWorld parks. It houses about 530 species and 3000 animals. The park is a zoo and an attraction park combined, something that isn’t uncommon for American parks.

1. Species
The biggest and most popular animals at SeaWorld Orlando are definitly the killer whales. They have more interesting species though. Adding inter alia walrusses, short-finned atlantic pilot whales and belugas to that list and you definitly got an epic species list.
Score: 8.5
2. Animal Welfare
Although not everyone agrees with SeaWorld keeping orcas, the animal welfare is top-notch at Orlando. They have a big care center for wounded animals, and have proven to take care of their animals very well.
Score: 8.5
3. Construction
Outstanding. Just outstanding. SeaWorld Orlando gives you the opportunity to get to their animals real close, by having several underwater viewing areas and other viewing points. Next to that, the whole parks gives you a great subtropical feeling. The enclosure all are big enough for the animals, however you can put some remarks on the orca enclosure.
Score: 8
Having accomodations almost around each corner, you never need to have a long walk before reaching something. The accomodations themselves are big, have enough variation and fit in the park’s atmosphere.
Score: 9
5. Education
Apart from the signs, SeaWorld Orland has it’s own Education Program Center. There are some bigger signs with more information spread through the park aswell.
Score: 7.5
6. Interaction
All 6 shows in SeaWorld Orlando contain interaction with the public. Apart from that, there isn’t much interaction with the animals.
Score: 7.5

Total Score: 8.2
SeaWorld Orlando is a daytrip that fits everyone. If you’re not that much into animals you can visit the attractions and shows, vice versa, or do both. SeaWorld Orlando really leaves and indelible impression, and however it’s quite pricey, it’s worth your money.
Gerben, 08/05/14
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