Weltvogelpark Walsrode
Walsrode, Germany
About the zoo
Weltvogelpark Walsrode is a must see zoo for any bird-lover. Walsrode is one the biggest birdparks in the world with about 675 different species and more then 4000 birds. The zoo is 24 hectares big, and is one of the ten species-richest zoos in the whole world.

1. Species
While Walsrode only focusses on birds, the park does have some extremely special species, which are only visible at Walsrode. For example, the Blue Coua, Long-tailed Ground Roller and Sickle-billed Vanga. Next to that, they also have Shoebills, some types of Birds-of-paradise, Kagus and a large group of the critically endangered Siberian Crane.
Score: 9,5
2. Animal welfare
The fact that Walsrode is the only park that’s able to keep some special species, in which others have failed, only shows that the park’s care for its birds is of high quality. Next to that, they also get a lot of offspring each year, proving that the birds feel fine at the park.
Score: 9
3. Construction
With some huge walkthrough aviaries, Walsrode gives the opportunity to get close to the birds. With only a few typical bird cages, the enclosures aren’t boring at all. There a lot of flowers spread throuh the whole zoo, which really provice a great atmosphere.
Score: 8

4. Accommodations
Having four restaurants spread through the park, and some snack carts too, there is nothing to complain about regarding the accomodations in the Weltvogelpark Walsrode. With 320 benches (according to the zoo) there is always a place to sit down and rest.
Score: 8.5
5. Education
Every bird species in the park has it’s own sign, but that’s where it stops at Walsrode. The education isn’t bad, but it’s nothing special either. At the behind the scenes tour (€55) you’ll probably get more information, but said tour is quite expensive.
Score: 6.5
6. Interaction
Walsrode Zoo has 2 shows (one indoor and one outdoor) and 5 feeding presentations each day. Add the several walkthrough aviaries to that, and you can conclude that there is enough interaction at the Weltvogelpark Walsrode.
Score: 8
7. Total Score: 8.3
For the bird-lover, Weltvogelpark Walsrode is definitly a must see. Even when you’re not that into birds, the zoo is still a great daytrip. If you’re into special species, the zoo should definately have a spot on your to-go list. You’ll easily enjoy yourself there for a day.
Gerben, 05/05/2014
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